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NPSPE 2024Professor, Ontario Tech University, Canada.
Research Interests: Smart Energy Grids, Energy Safety and Control Systems, and Waste-to-Energy Using Advanced Plasma Technologies.
Dr. Gabbar is a full Professor in the Department of Energy and Nuclear Engineering, the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, at Ontario Tech University (UOIT), where he has established the Energy Safety and Control Lab (ESCL), Smart Energy Systems Lab, and Advanced Plasma Engineering Lab. He is the recipient of the Senior Research Excellence Aware for 2016, UOIT. He is recognized among the top 2% of worldwide scientists with high citation in the area of energy. He is a Fellow IET (FIET) and a Distinguished Lecturer – IEEE NPSS on Nuclear-Renewable Hybrid Energy Systems and Plasma-based Waste-to-Energy. He is leading national and international research in the areas of smart energy grids, energy safety and control systems, and waste-to-energy using advanced plasma technologies. Dr. Gabbar obtained his B.Sc. degree in 1988 with first class of honor from the Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University (Egypt). In 2001, he obtained his Ph.D. degree from Okayama University (Japan). From 2001 till 2004, he joined Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan), as a research associate. From 2004 till 2008, he joined Okayama University (Japan) as an Associate Professor, in the Division of Industrial Innovation Sciences. From 2007 till 2008, he was a Visiting Professor at the University of Toronto. He also worked as process control, safety, and automation specialist in energy and oil & gas industries. Dr. Gabbar has more than 230 publications, including patents, books / chapters, journal and conference papers.
Professor, University of Agder, Norway.
Research Interests: Sustainable Electrical Energy Systems, Smart Grid and Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Systems, Electric Vehicles, Hydrogen Energy Technologies, Solar Photovoltaic and Wind Energy Systems Engineering, Electro-Mechanical-Chemical Energy Conversion and Management, Power System Dynamics, Electrical Machines, Energy Conversion and Management, Techno-Economics of Energy Systems.
Prof. Dr. Mohan Lal Kolhe is a full professor in smart grid and renewable energy at the Faculty of Engineering and Science of the University of Agder (Norway). He is a leading renewable energy technologist with three decades of academic experience at the international level and previously held academic positions at the world's prestigious universities, e.g., University College London (UK / Australia), University of Dundee (UK); University of Jyvaskyla (Finland); Hydrogen Research Institute, QC (Canada); etc. In addition, he was a member of the Government of South Australia’s first Renewable Energy Board (2009-2011) and worked on developing renewable energy policies. Professor Kolhe is an expert evaluator of many prestigious international research councils (e.g., European Commission: Erasmus+ Higher Education – International Capacity Building, Royal Society London (UK), Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC UK), Cyprus Research Foundation, etc.). In addition, many international organizations have invited him to deliver keynote addresses, expert lectures, workshops, etc. He has also been a member of many academic promotional committees. Professor Kolhe has been successful in obtaining competitive research funding from prestigious research bodies (such as the Norwegian Research Council, EU, EPSRC, BBSRC, NRP, etc.) for his work on sustainable energy systems. His work on energy systems and electrical & electronic engineering has been recognised in the top 2% of scientists worldwide consistently from 2020 to 2023, according to Stanford University matrices based on Elsevier data. His top 10 publications have received an average of more than 200 citations each, making him an acknowledged pioneer in his profession on a global scale.
Professor, Victoria University, Australia.
Research Interests: Power System Analysis, Communication, Control, Protection, Renewable Energy, Smart grid, IEC61850 Implementation and Cogeneration Systems.
Akhtar Kalam is a Professor of Electrical Engineering and the Head of External Engagement in the College of Engineering and Science at Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia. He is the former Discipline Group Leader – Engineering in the College of Engineering and Science from 2016-2018. He has been Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Health, Engineering & Science at Victoria University for 7 years since 1999. He has wide experience in educational institutions and industry across four continents. He has conducted research, provided consultancy and has over five hundred publications primarily on power system protection and independent power generation. In 2016, he was the recipient of the John Madsen Medal, Engineers Australia. - The John Madsen Medal is awarded for the best paper written by a current member of Engineers Australia and published in The Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. The paper "Generation modelling of residential rooftop photovoltaic systems and its applications in practical electricity distribution networks” was jointly authored by P.K.C. Wong, R.A. Barr and A. Kalam. Again in 2019, he received the John Madsen Medal, Engineers Australia. High professional qualifications in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, (FIET, CEng, FAIE, FIEAust, CPEng, PEV, NER, APEC Engineer, IntPE(Aus), MCIGRE, Life Senior Member of IEEE); Editor in Chief of EA’s Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Deputy Chair of the Engineering Institute of Technology’s Academic Board; and a Chair of the Academic Board for Texila College Australia.
Professor, Murdoch University, Australia.
Research Interests: Electricity Distribution Networks, Application of Power Electronics in Distribution Networks; Microgrid & Smart Grid, Power Quality.
Professor Farhad Shahnia received his PhD in Electrical Engineering from Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, in 2012. He is currently an A/Professor at Murdoch University. Before that, he was a Lecturer at Curtin University (2012-15), a research scholar at QUT (2008-11), and an R&D engineer at the Eastern Azarbayjan Electric Power Distribution Company, Iran (2005-08). He is currently a Fellow member of Engineers Australia, Senior Member of IEEE, and member of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education. Farhad’s research falls under Distribution networks, Microgrid and Smart grid concepts. He has authored one book and 11 book chapters and 100+ peer-reviewed scholarly articles in international conferences and journals, as well as being an editor of 6 books. Farhad has won 5 Best Paper Awards in various conferences and has also received the IET Premium Award for the Best Paper published in the IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution journal in 2015. One of his articles was listed under the top-25 most cited articles in the Electric Power System Research Journal in 2015 while one of his 2015 journal articles has been listed under the top-5 most read articles of the Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. He was the recipient of the Postgraduate Research Supervisor Award from Curtin University in 2015 and the Australia-China Young Scientist Exchange Award from the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering in 2016. Farhad is currently a Subject Editor, Deputy Subject Editor, and Associate Editor of several journals including IEEE Access, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, IET Renewable Power Generation, IET Smart Grid, IET Energy Conversion and Economics, and International Transaction on Electrical Energy Systems and has served 35+ conferences in various roles such as General, Technical, Program, Publication, Publicity, Award, Sponsorship, and Special Session Chairs.
Associate Professor, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA.
Research Interests: The Development and Application of Advanced Sensing Techniques Based on Electromagnetic Sensors in Smart grid and Smart City.
Philip W. T. Pong received a B.Eng. from the University of Hong Kong (HKU) with 1st class honours. Then he obtained a PhD in engineering at the University of Cambridge. He was a postdoctoral researcher at the Magnetic Materials Group at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for three years. Currently he is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT). His research interest focuses on the fault detection, predictive maintenance, and anomaly detection of power grid. He is the Founding Director of the Green Technology Research and Training Laboratory, leading the research and education activities of offshore wind energy at NJIT. Philip Pong is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (FIET), a Fellow of the Institute of Physics (FInstP), a Fellow of the Energy Institute (FEI), a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (FIMMM), a Fellow of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (FHKIE), a Fellow of the NANOSMAT Society (FNS), a chartered physicist (CPhys), a chartered engineer (CEng), a chartered energy engineer, a registered professional engineer (R.P.E. in Electrical, Electronics, Energy), and a Senior Member of IEEE (SMIEEE). He serves on the editorial boards for several IEEE and SCI journals.
Professor, Zhejiang University, China.
Research Interests: Smart Grids and Electric Vehicles, Power Economics and Electricity Markets, Power System Investment, Planning and Operation Optimization, Power System Alarm Processing, Fault Diagnosis and System Restoration.
Fushuan Wen (SM'17) received the B.E. and M.E. degrees from Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, in 1985 and 1988, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, in 1991, all in electrical engineering. He joined the faculty of Zhejiang University in 1991, and has been a Full Professor and the Director of the Institute of Power Economics and Information since 1997, and the Director of Zhejiang University-Insigma Joint Research Center for Smart Grids since 2010. He was a university distinguished Professor, the Deputy Dean of the School of Electrical Engineering and the Director of the Institute of Power Economics and Electricity Markets in South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China, from 2005 to 2009. From May 2014 to May 2017, he was a Professor with Universiti Teknologi Brunei, Brunei. His research interests lie in power industry restructuring, power system alarm processing, fault diagnosis and restoration strategies, as well as smart grids and electric vehicles. Prof. Wen is an Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS and the IEEE POWER ENGINEERING LETTERS, a subject editor on power system economics of the IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, the Journal of Energy Engineering (ASCE), and the Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy (Springer).
Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China.
Research Interests: Intelligent Surgical Robotics, Continuum Compliant Cooperative and Cognitive Robotics (C4R), Untethered Flexible Robotics and Sensing, Biorobotics & Intelligent Systems, Medical Mechatronics, Continuum, and Soft Flexible Robots and Sensors, Multisensory Perception, Learning and Control in Image-guided Procedures, Deployable Motion Generation, Compliance Modulation/Sensing, Cooperative and Context-aware Sensors/Actuators in Human Environments, Data-driven Robotic Surgery, Flexible Robotics and Machine Artificial Intelligence.
Professor Hongliang Ren received his Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering (Specialized in Biomedical Engineering) from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in 2008. He has been navigating his academic journey through Chinese University of Hong Kong, UC Berkeley, Johns Hopkins University, Children’s Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School, Children’s National Medical Center, United States, and National University of Singapore. He has served as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Automation Science & Engineering (T-ASE) and Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing (MBEC). He has served as an active organizer and contributor on the committees of numerous robotics conferences, including a variety of roles in the flagship IEEE Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), IEEE Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), as well as other domain conferences such as MICCAI/ROBIO/BIOROB/ICIA/CVPR. He served as publicity chair for ICRA 2017, concurrently as Organizing Chair for ICRA 2017 workshop on Surgical Robots, and video chair for ICRA 2021. He has delivered numerous invited keynotes/talks at flagship conferences/workshops at ICRA/IROS/ROBIO/MICCAI/CVPR/ICIA. He is the recipient of IFMBE/IAMBE Early Career Award 2018, Interstellar Early Career Investigator Award 2018, Health Longevity Catalyst Award (2022 by NAM & RGC), NUS Engineering Young Researcher Award (2019), Interstellar Early Career Investigator Award (2018), ICBHI (Biomedical and Health Informatics) Young Investigator Award (2019), NUS Young Investigator Award (2013), EMedic Global Gold Medal (2017) and Silver Medal (2021), Best Paper Awards in IEEE-ROBIO (2019 & 2013), IEEE-RCAR2016, IEEE-CCECE2015, IEEE-Cyber2014 among 30+ others awards. He frequently served as an expert reviewer/judge for international funding agencies (60+ proposal reviews) of 10+ countries/regions (including Switzerland, Belgium, UK, Kazakhstan, Poland, Hong Kong, Macau, Chilean, China, Singapore etc.) and manuscript peer-reviews 317+ times for journals, including Science Robotics, Nature Biomedical Engineering, Nature Communications among many other top-tier journals.